Check it out -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------><--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check it out
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Seismic Bowling New ball
Seismic bowling is a small bowling ball brand working to make a huge name! With Brian Voss a PBA 25 title star throwing Seismic these balls have been a real hit! They have a new ball coming out June 2012 called the Raging Bull Stampede!! There have not been many other details released but Ill be sure to give them to you as soon as they release! This ball being made by seismic will be sure to stampede right over those pins! Check out the website and see for yourself all the cool bowling balls they have available!
Whats a Hammer without a Nail?
Thats a good question what is a hammer without a nail... its useless without the nail of course which is why hammer introduces its new bowling ball The Nail! This ball of course is a true hammer ball! The ball features the Shredder Reactive Pearl coverstock with the modified Doom core. This ball is built to be for medium to dry oil lanes so you have something in your bag when everything is just not staying on the lane. This Ball is a true gem in the Hammer line up. Its built to be nice and lengthy down the lanes and turning to get to the pocket and crushing it like a hammer! Check out the hammer staff throwing the nail and see for yourself if you like it or not!
Hammer Vibe!
We have seen the vibe line grow since the beginning. The blue vibe, Peach vibe, cherry vibe, emerald vibe, onyx vibe, midnight vibe and the grape vibe but now we have the COBALT VIBE!! Yes the cobalt vibe is hammers newest vibe in the line up, this ball is made for those nights where the lanes are just dried up and you cant seem to get anything to stay on the lane! This ball features the violent reactive pearl coverstock and the vibe core of course! This ball give you great continuation down the lane to get the length you need to the pocket then cracking the rack like a hammer should! If you dont believe me how great this ball check out the video by the hammer team of them using the Cobalt Vibe and see for yourself how this ball hits like a hammer!
Im Back!!
Ive been so busy lately its been hectic but im here to give some more reviews, Track, Ebonite, Hammer and storm have come out with a ton of new bowling balls for the summer! These balls are all great and Ill be sure to get around to most companies! If you want any info on any ball please let me know Ill be glad to review just for you!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Anybody like Dice?
So I picked up this cool bowling ball someone had custom made and I look its a nice plastic ball. So I pick it up and I look only to see a pair of dice inside the ball? I look and say to myself wow thats really cool I wanna buy this ball and it was never drilled either which was even greater! So I take it to the pro shop guy and I ask how much? He tells me 10$! So knowing me im thrilled 10$ for a bowling ball? and he drops and slams the bowling ball on the ground behind the counter... I just had my heart sink into my stomach and thinking "I cant believe he just threw and maybe destroyed the bowling ball I wanted on the ground!!!" He then picks it up and behold theres a rattling sound? Turns out nobody had touched that ball in years!! So the dice were stuck inside and he got them unstuck and now I have this amazing spare ball with dice inside!! Check out a pic I have of the ball I thought this was literally the coolest thing I have ever owned in my life!!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Ohh man hammer let out a video that is sure to make spines tingle and guys and girls everywhere left in suspense. Hammer is coming out with a new line of bowling balls during the summer sometime and its sure to be a great one! They released this video last week of a product teaser!! Check this video out and tell me your not excited to see this line come out!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
DV8 Reckless!!
DV8 is a brand that came and took the bowling world by storm and out of nowhere!! These balls are something that nobody saw coming but ended up being a very big upcoming!! The 1st line was out with the misfit, the reckless and the hell raiser which are the order from light oils to heavy oils and day by day they are working to add new balls to the line which brought the hell raisers revenge and the too reckless. The Reckless is a mid performace ball that many bowlers use on all conditions. Me myself I used this ball on the shark pattern during practice and this ball knew how to find the pocket no problem. I had the drilling with the pin next to the ring finger to give it a layout that causes the ball to snap hard! I would play from the 15 board out to 9 and it would snap back and crush the rack all day every day. When I first saw these balls I thought these cant be that great but of course curiosity got the best of me and I had to try this ball out. To my surprise the Reckless knew how to crush the pocket every time, It gave a very readable hook, nice backend and great length. If you have a hole in your arsenal try this ball in your bag, im sure you will love it just as much as i do, but everybody's opinion is different. Heres a video of the ball being thrown to show you how nice the reaction is on the lane!
Seismics Raging Bull
Everybody loves a strong ball that will get them through those heavy oils, am i right? Well the Raging bull from seismic bowling give that strong ball everybody wants and needs!! The Raging Bull is a 2000abralon finish that gives it a dull solid look. The ball colors include viridian and turquoise which give it a cool blue look and feel! This ball features the Seismic Horn core which is a cool core to go with the Raging bull because you mess with the bull you get the horns! The horn core is a high revving, high flaring core that gives a really nice down lane reaction. This ball has been Seismics biggest hooking ball to date and with such a nice solid coverstock and great horn core this ball is sure to ram the pins like a champ! Heres a video of Ryan Press throwing the Raging bull on a long heavy pattern! Look how much this ball hooks and how big of an explosion it gets on the pin! This is a ball that is a great ball to have!!
Seismic Bowling!!
We have all heard of Hammer, Storm, Columbia and all the big brands in bowling but how many have heard of Seismic Bowling? From the quote of Seismic Bowlings website "Seismic bowling was formed in 2008 with one goal- to design and manufacture bowling equipment that would allow bowlers to master their ball reaction and build a better arsenal to compete on the toughest sport conditions in our sport today." and this is exactly what they do. They know the struggles league bowlers have in their normal days with the oil being to heavy or after a couple games the oil breaks down and you lose your shot, they understand this completely which is why they have the most complete arsenal of bowling balls to date for any of your bowling needs. They have Long sport and Heavy volume bowling balls, Long sport and Medium volumes, Medium Volumes and Broken down oil and last Short Patterns! Any ball you may need for any condition you can bet theres a Seismic bowling ball for that condition! Not only are these balls built to be tough and roll great they are sure to give those pins an earthquake they will never forget!! Check out the bowling balls and see what you think for yourself. There are videos, charts, information, everything you could possibly need to get the right information to choose a ball you need in your aresnal!!
SEISMIC BOWLING !!! <------ Check out their website!!
SEISMIC BOWLING !!! <------ Check out their website!!
Storm has a new bowling ball coming out called the fringe and also the manic! The fringe is a mid proformance ball or used for medium oil conditions. This ball is all about backend says the Storm company!! This ball has a 1500 finish and polished up just like the Frantic was. Its weightblock is the NOS core which is also the same weight block that is in the Frantic storm has out and a coverstock of R2S Pearl Reactive to give it a shiny finish. The color is a Ruby/Yellow blend which makes it look like a cool ball that's on fire plus with its lovely smell of pinacolada its a ball you will love to have in your hands to smell! Next we have the Manic which suppose to be the complete opposite of the Fringe. This ball has a surface of 4000 grit abralon which gives it a solid look instead of the shiny. This particular ball is meant to read earlier on the lane and hook up earlier unlike the Fringe which was meant to get farther down the lane and have a lot of back end. This ball has the same weightblock as the Fringe but the coverstock is the R2S Solid Reactive which gives it a solid or dull surface and also the smell of blueberrys!! YUM!!!. So check out these bowling balls and read the info for yourself, with the big release of the Storm Frantic and how great of a ball it was for such a low price I have no doubts that these balls will be something even better than will be a must need in your bowling arsenal!!
LINK TO MANIC<------------ Check out the Manic!!
LINK TO FRINGE<-------------- Check Out The Fringe!!
LINK TO MANIC<------------ Check out the Manic!!
LINK TO FRINGE<-------------- Check Out The Fringe!!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Looking for some bowling equipment?
Well look no further I have the perfect place for you!! Check out this website made by ZeusJr He has bowling balls, bowling ball accessories, bowling ball cleaner and even used bowling balls incase you dont wanna spend to much on a ball. All his prices are fair, hes a very knowledable man of the sport and knows the market well so you know your getting a great deal! So if you need any bowling balls espically lane 1 products go take a look at his site! Come check him out see what he has and hopefully you will find something you like!
ZEUS JR WEBSITE --------->!
ZEUS JR WEBSITE --------->!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Taboo line!
Soo hammer has a taboo line if none of you are hammer heads. So this line is one of the best they have had since the Widow line! It all started with the original blue taboo, This ball really knows how to hook off the lanes, I used this for any heavy oil and it knew how to carry with no problems! I currently am selling it on my website if your interested I have this ball cheap for sale as well as other bowling balls! Then came the Taboo Pearl blue and silver, This ball had the hook still but got farther down the lanes when the lanes may have broken down. This ball made the way to the pocket very smooth and controllable while still hitting the pocket like a hammer should!! Then when you thought the line was complete with a ball that was for heavy oil then the lanes broke down the line was not finished yet! Then the Jetblack taboo came! I knew I had to buy this ball, so I got it drilled up with pin above ring finger with the weight hole and if you want a ball that will get down the lane and SNAP LIKE NO OTHER then I seriously suggest buying this taboo!!! I always have this ball in my bag no matter what conditons from heavy to light I can adjust with this ball and still find the pocket no problem! The JetBlack is worth the money and a must in your bag! Then came the revolution of the Taboo line the Taboo spare! The Taboo Spare is a polyester cover with the taboo core! This is my current spare ball thats drilled pin under the ring finger, it is used so that I can have the ball go long and hook up so I dont fall into the gutter and pick up 10 pins with ease! I use to throw my strike balls at spares but then I decided to try and spare ball and my % of 10 pins and spares increased so much!! This ball is also a great dry lane ball that finds the pocket and hits too so its a win win double whammy ball! I hope you enjoy these balls and check out my site and maybe purchase them for your bag!
On the right PURSUIT
Well Ebonite came out with two new balls and its something I just love! This idea of two balls for two different styles is a great idea for bowlers to have in their bag! The two balls are the Pursuit-S and the Pursuit, now when i say two different style I mean the Pursuit-S is meant to be for big hooks with an asymmetrical core and as the ebonite marketing says "from coast to coast". This ball really knows how to have a big banana curve! Its meant for the bowlers who wanna play a nice big angle to the pocket and crush the pins like no other. Then comes the Pursuit which is meant for a nice steady down and in play. Now if you dont know down and in means playing as straight as possible parallel to the gutter so the ball comes in later down the lane. This style is loved by many for the less chance of arrow or the small amount of revs to make the ball hook. But it seems now and days everyone wants to be that cool guy who can hook the whole lane but let me tell you its not that great of a thing at some times. So either road you take this ball will be sure to find the pocket and hit just right, a for sure two balls you would love to have in your bag for any conditions necessary! Below are videos of the balls being tested by bowlingball,com you will love it hope you enjoy the videos!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Wanna find your perfect storm ball?
Here is a storm matchmaker found on the site. This can help you choose the perfect storm ball for you. Add your rev rate, your track, average, ball speed, lane conditions and presto! The storm match maker will tell you exactly which ball would be perfect for you. It really helped me find what ball would be perfect for me! Turns out im matched up with the storm frantic :D who would have thought! Check it out and see what you get!
Here is a storm matchmaker found on the site. This can help you choose the perfect storm ball for you. Add your rev rate, your track, average, ball speed, lane conditions and presto! The storm match maker will tell you exactly which ball would be perfect for you. It really helped me find what ball would be perfect for me! Turns out im matched up with the storm frantic :D who would have thought! Check it out and see what you get!
Roto Grip Ball Help?
Are you a fan of roto grip but just dont know what your next ball should be? Well read further on because im here to help and so is Roto Grip. I introduce you to the Roto Grip Star Search. This is roto grips version of the storm ball helper, just answer a few questions such as your average, ball speed, point of axis, etc and PRESTO! You will be set up with the perfect ball that will be sure to improve your game! Heres the link to the site <-------------
Pink Panther Pearl
We have seen the Pink Panther, We have seen the Black Panther but this ball is newest in the Lane 1 bowling line. This ball has more length and way more back end than anything we have seen! You will see in the video the different ways the pink panther pearl is thrown with different drill styles. This ball is something that belongs in your bag for when the lane conditions are not holding the strongest ball in your arsenal you can for sure switch to the pearl panther and be holding on the lanes! Enjoy the video below and hope you will check the ball out for yourself!
- Color: Hot Pink & Black
- Cover: IONTM Pearl
- Core: Oversized Patented Diamond
- Hook Rating: 115 out of 130
- Backend Hook: 85%
- Flare Potential: 4"
- Pin Placement: 12 O’ clock 1-5” out
- 15lb rg min: 2.460
- 15lb rg max: 2.503
- 15lb diff: .043
- Construction: Modified 2-piece
- Finish: 6421 2x Compound
- Available Weights: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 lbs.
Hammer Rhythm!
Here we have Hammers newest bowling ball the hammer rhythm. It has the grand theft reactive core with the Arson core. its at factory finish of 800, 1000, 2000, 2000 Abralon, Powerhouse Factory Finish Polish. This ball is made to have a better back end movement than the Arson so it has a better carry and hit in the pocket. The video will show 5 different throwing styles and drills to see how the ball will react to the different drillings. Its a nice solid ball that has great backend, hope you enjoy the video!
STYLE 029744-956xx
COLOR Black/Purple/Orange
COVERSTOCK Grand Theft Reactive
CORE Arson Core
FACTORY FINISH 800, 1000, 2000, 2000 Abralon™, Powerhouse Factory Finish Polish™
HOOK 6-9-6 = 21 FCC Hook Rating
#12 RG (2.60) Diff (.039)
#13 RG (2.53) Diff (.055)
#14 RG (2.47) Diff (.049)
#15 RG (2.48) Diff (.045)
#16 RG (2.50) Diff (.040)
Storm Vivid
So for the 1st review we have the storm vivid! This ball is just a must have in the bag. It has 2000 grit finish and is made to go long with a nice smooth arc to crush the pocket! You will see in the video 3 different drilled vivids being throw and how they all react differently. Check out this video and see if its a ball that you think would make a great piece in your arsenal. Its just a step down from the Virtual Gravity Nano so you will have a piece encase that nano gets to strong for the lanes after couple games.
Hello Everybody!
So im here to start a new blog to review bowling balls and also talk about my new used bowling ball website. I have alot of bowling balls and accessories that have been rarely used and are being sold for a cheap price. Heres a link to the site, check it out and be sure to share with friends!
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