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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Seismic Bowling!!

We have all heard of Hammer, Storm, Columbia and all the big brands in bowling but how many have heard of Seismic Bowling? From the quote of Seismic Bowlings website "Seismic bowling was formed in 2008 with one goal- to design and manufacture bowling equipment that would allow bowlers to master their ball reaction and build a better arsenal to compete on the toughest sport conditions in our sport today." and this is exactly what they do. They know the struggles league bowlers have in their normal days with the oil being to heavy or after a couple games the oil breaks down and you lose your shot, they understand this completely which is why they have the most complete arsenal of bowling balls to date for any of your bowling needs. They have Long sport and Heavy volume bowling balls, Long sport and Medium volumes, Medium Volumes and Broken down oil and last Short Patterns! Any ball you may need for any condition you can bet theres a Seismic bowling ball for that condition! Not only are these balls built to be tough and roll great they are sure to give those pins an earthquake they will never forget!! Check out the bowling balls and see what you think for yourself. There are videos, charts, information, everything you could possibly need to get the right information to choose a ball you need in your aresnal!!

SEISMIC BOWLING !!! <------ Check out their website!!

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