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Saturday, April 7, 2012

On the right PURSUIT

Well Ebonite came out with two new balls and its something I just love! This idea of two balls for two different styles is a great idea for bowlers to have in their bag! The two balls are the Pursuit-S and the Pursuit, now when i say two different style I mean the Pursuit-S is meant to be for big hooks with an asymmetrical core and as the ebonite marketing says "from coast to coast". This ball really knows how to have a big banana curve! Its meant for the bowlers who wanna play a nice big angle to the pocket and crush the pins like no other. Then comes the Pursuit which is meant for a nice steady down and in play. Now if you dont know down and in means playing as straight as possible parallel to the gutter so the ball comes in later down the lane. This style is loved by many for the less chance of arrow or the small amount of revs to make the ball hook. But it seems now and days everyone wants to be that cool guy who can hook the whole lane but let me tell you its not that great of a thing at some times. So either road you take this ball will be sure to find the pocket and hit just right, a for sure two balls you would love to have in your bag for any conditions necessary! Below are videos of the balls being tested by bowlingball,com you will love it hope you enjoy the videos! 

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